Speak Now 3: Student's Book with Online Practice
Jack C Richards; David Bohlke
32.48€ / 34.20€ Comprar libro
Student Book: A speaking component in every activity develops confident and successful speakers Student Book: Integrated video brings language to life and illustrates useful everyday language Student Book: Activities explore ways to target language in real-life settings Online Practice: Allows you to assign extra activities as homework and track your students' progress Online Practice: Features over 120 activities including Listening, Grammar and video review activities, and a speak, record, and submit to teacher function for Pronunciation practice Online Practice: Provides instant access to Student Book video and audio, links to worksheets, audio scripts, tests, and answer keys Online Practice: Optional tools, including the Discussions feature, allow you to give students more opportunities to practice informal language Online Practice: Features custom tools so you can set up groups of students within a mixed ability class and assign different activities for a personalized learning program Online Practice: Makes reviewing students' progress easy with integrated and downloadable tests and a comprehensive online Gradebook