Portada del libro NUNCA QUISE SER COMO TU - ISBN: 9788466644044


Montaña Lehmann, Cesar Augusto

16.14€ / 17.00€ Comprar libro

Fernando, thirty-five, is a young socially well placed, thanks in part to the financial solvency of the his wife's family. His event business goes well and keeps very active. But drags a residue of dissatisfaction at that enviable life, which is eroding every day. The relationship with Martha, his wife, has reached a point where there is not much to talk about in a compact all is well. However, Fernando's life was not always so linear and monotone. With an active idealistic youth shaped by the environment of a pioneer squatter Madrid-nineties and his band hardcore punk star, former president, Fernando still remembers, though far, which is felt in the fresh air first line of utopia. What we wanted to be and did not leave, what could be done and not done, where you are versus where they wanted to be the fallacy of the ideals, the lapse of dreams, the scam of the principles and tyranny fears gripping the citizens of the new century, are a reflection in a fun story, agile, full of action, dry humor and cynicism, in which Caesar Strawberry turns the best and the worst of himself as a citizen aberrant and abhorrent as rocker of the grotesque, as an analyst of everyday pettiness, as victim and accomplice of the great scam of life.
