Portada del libro LA DIETA DEL GENOTIPO - ISBN: 9788466638937


D'adamo; Whitney

17.09€ / 18.00€ Comprar libro

With Eat Right 4 Your Type and additional books in the Blood Type Diet series, Dr. Peter J. DAdamo pioneered a new, revolutionary approach to dietingone linked to a persons blood type. In the GenoType Diet, he takes his groundbreaking research to the next level by identifying six unique genetic types. Whether you are a Hunter, Gatherer, Teacher, Explorer, Warrior, or Nomad, Dr. DAdamo offers a customized program that compliments your genetic makeup to maximize health and weight loss, as well as prevent or even reverse disease. In simple, concise prose, Dr. DAdamo explains how a host of environmental factors, including diet and lifestyle, dictate how and when your genes express themselves. He goes on to demonstrate precisely how, with the right tools, you can alter your genetic destiny by turning on the good genes and silencing the bad ones. Your health risks, weight, and life span can all be improved by following The GenoType Diet thats right for you.
