English unlimited for spanish speakers elementary coursebook with e-portfolio
Y Otros; Tilbury, Alex
34.10€ / 35.90€ Comprar libro
With a strong outcomes-based approach derived from a principled approach to the Common European Framework, this course enables learners to use language meaningfully to deal with topics and situations of real interest and real use. The English for Spanish Speakers edition ensures that the needs of the Spanish-speaking learner are reflected in the unique sections dedicated to problematic areas of the English language. Through universally inspiring topics and with a special focus on intercultural competence as a 'fifth skill', this international Coursebook helps learners become sensitive and effective communicators. With natural, dependable language and practical CEF goals, the Coursebook brings real life into the classroom and gives learners the skills, strategies and confidence to communicate confidently outside it. At the same time tips for Spanish speakers raise awareness of common errors based on research from the Cambridge Learner Corpus. The e-Portfolio DVD-ROM enables learners to build a portfolio of their work, creating a record of their progress, and provides reference tools and a vocabulary trainer.