Portada del libro El mercader - ISBN: 9788466650991

El mercader

Valls Loras, Coia

18.94€ / 19.95€ Comprar libro

Barcelona in the 14th century is a commercial capital of the world and a city of opportunity. Jaume Miravall arrives at the marketplace with the charisma and vision of a true salesman, yet his path to success and adventure neglects his family, who experience a very different Barcelona-- one of misery, illness, and death. Their persistence throughout these trials illustrates how dreams and hope are not lost, even when all else seems to be.


  • Título: El mercader
  • Autor: Valls Loras, Coia
  • Número de páginas: 472
  • Características: Alto: 230 mm. Ancho: 150 mm. Peso: 726 gr.
  • Año de publicación: Marzo, 2012
  • Editado por: B (ediciones B)
  • Colección: Nb Historica
  • Género: Ficción Histórica
  • Lenguaje: Español / Castellano
  • ISBN: 9788466650991
  • Formato: Tapa dura