English for the Financial Sector Audio CD
Mackenzie, Ian
Providing at least 50 hours of classroom material, this course builds financial language and teaches students about key financial concepts. English fo ...
30.30 €
Severdia, Ron
Crowder, Kenneth
Está plenamente justificado el éxito que está teniendo Joomla entre los creadores de sitios Web. No siempre se ha visto tanto entusiasmo con las ap ...
30.87 €
English for the Financial Sector Student's Book
Mackenzie, Ian
Providing at least 50 hours of classroom material, this course builds financial language and teaches students about key financial concepts. English fo ...
31.25 €
Creación y gestión de sitios Web con Joomla!
Turner, Robin D.
Boeckenhaupt, Herb
En relativamente poco tiempo Joomla!, se ha convertido en una de las herramientas de gestión de contenidos (CMS) de código abierto más importantes ...
32.29 €
Oxford Living Grammar Pre-intermediate: Student's Book Pack
Mark Harrison
Ken Paterson
Norman Coe
A three-level series where students learn and practise grammar in everyday contexts. Oxford Living Grammar takes a practical approach to grammar. The ...
32.39 €
Oxford Living Grammar Intermediate: Student's Book Pack
Mark Harrison
Ken Paterson
Norman Coe
32.39 €

Oxford Practice Grammar: Basic (with Key Practice-Boost cd-rom Pack)
Mark Harrison
Ken Paterson
Norman Coe
32.39 €

English for Business Studies Student's Book 3rd Edition
Mackenzie, Ian
This best selling course has been thoroughly revised to meet the needs of today's business and economics students. English for Business Studies Thi ...
33.15 €
English for Business Studies Teacher's Book 3rd Edition
Mackenzie, Ian
This best selling course has been thoroughly revised to meet the needs of today's business and economics students. The English for Business Studies ...
33.15 €Categorías
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