English for Business Studies Audio CDs (2) 3rd Edition
Mackenzie, Ian
This best selling course has been thoroughly revised to meet the needs of today's business and economics students. The English for Business Studies ...
47.40 €
English for Business Studies Student's Book 3rd Edition
Mackenzie, Ian
This best selling course has been thoroughly revised to meet the needs of today's business and economics students. English for Business Studies Thi ...
33.15 €
English for Business Studies Teacher's Book 3rd Edition
Mackenzie, Ian
This best selling course has been thoroughly revised to meet the needs of today's business and economics students. The English for Business Studies ...
33.15 €
English for the Financial Sector Audio CD
Mackenzie, Ian
Providing at least 50 hours of classroom material, this course builds financial language and teaches students about key financial concepts. English fo ...
30.30 €
English for the Financial Sector Student's Book
Mackenzie, Ian
Providing at least 50 hours of classroom material, this course builds financial language and teaches students about key financial concepts. English fo ...
31.25 €
English for the Financial Sector Teacher's Book
Mackenzie, Ian
Providing at least 50 hours of classroom material, this course builds financial language and teaches students about key financial concepts. English fo ...
27.45 €
English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate with Answers 2nd Edition
Hancock, Mark
Segunda edición, a todo color, de este clásico en el área de pronunciación. Ofrece una nueva sección enfocada a entender el habla rápida. Contie ...
29.92 €
English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate with Answers and Audio CDs (4) 2nd Edition
Hancock, Mark
Segunda edición, a todo color, de este clásico en el área de pronunciación. Ofrece una nueva sección enfocada a entender el habla rápida. Contie ...
46.07 €
English Result Elementary: Workbook with Answer Booklet and Multi-ROM Pack
Joe Mckenna
The general English course that takes students from 'how to to 'can do in every lesson.
19.66 €
English Result Elementary: Workbook with Multi-ROM Pack
Joe Mckenna
Grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation practice for every lesson Skills practice for every unit Self-check tests for every unit MultiROM with extra pr ...
19.66 €
English Result Intermediate: Workbook with Multi-ROM Pack
Joe Mckenna
The general English course that takes students from 'how to to 'can do in every lesson.
19.66 €Categorías
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- De interÉs especÍfico para gais y lesbianas
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- EconomÍa, finanzas, empresa y gestiÓn
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