English for Business Studies Student's Book 3rd Edition
Mackenzie, Ian
This best selling course has been thoroughly revised to meet the needs of today's business and economics students. English for Business Studies Thi ...
33.15 €
English for Business Studies Teacher's Book 3rd Edition
Mackenzie, Ian
This best selling course has been thoroughly revised to meet the needs of today's business and economics students. The English for Business Studies ...
33.15 €
English for the Financial Sector Audio CD
Mackenzie, Ian
Providing at least 50 hours of classroom material, this course builds financial language and teaches students about key financial concepts. English fo ...
30.30 €
English for the Financial Sector Student's Book
Mackenzie, Ian
Providing at least 50 hours of classroom material, this course builds financial language and teaches students about key financial concepts. English fo ...
31.25 €
English for the Financial Sector Teacher's Book
Mackenzie, Ian
Providing at least 50 hours of classroom material, this course builds financial language and teaches students about key financial concepts. English fo ...
27.45 €
Flightpath Aviation English for Pilots and ATCOs Student's Book with Audio CDs (3) and DVD
Shawcross, Philip
Flightpath is the definitive course for pilots and Air Traffic Controllers who need an ICAO4 level of English to work in the industry. Flightpath is t ...
40.37 €
Flightpath Teacher's Book
Day, Jeremy
Shawcross, Philip
Flightpath is the definitive course for pilots and Air Traffic Controllers who need an ICAO4 level of English to work in the industry. Written by Phil ...
44.17 €
Good Practice 2 Audio CD Set
Mccullagh, Marie
Wright, Ros
Good Practice focuses on the language and communication skills that doctors need to make consultations more effective using five elements of good comm ...
47.40 €
Good Practice DVD
Mccullagh, Marie
Wright, Ros
Good Practice focuses on the language and communication skills that doctors need to make consultations more effective using five elements of good comm ...
50.25 €
Good Practice Teacher's Book
Mccullagh, Marie
Wright, Ros
Good Practice focuses on the language and communication skills that doctors need to make consultations more effective using five elements of good comm ...
30.87 €
Grammar for Business with Audio CD
Clark, Rachel
Mccarthy, Michael
Clark, David
Mccarten, Jeanne
Essential grammar reference and practice for anyone using English in a business context. Grammar for Business is a must-have for intermediate busine ...
30.87 €
IN COMPANY Elem Sts Pack N/E
Clarke, S.
The second edition Student's Books contain clearly defined topic and skills-based units, real-world tasks and more case studies, all which are instant ...
38.85 €