Countdown to First Certificate: Workbook with Key and Student's Audio CD Pack
Michael Duckworth
Kathy Gude
14.91 €

Countdown to First Certificate: Workbook without Key and Student's Audio CD Pack
Michael Duckworth
Kathy Gude
13.77 €

ESOL. A Critical Guide
Melanie Cooke
James Simpson
Describes the diversity of ESOL learners (and teachers) and explores the challenges this creates for policy makers and people directly involved. Discu ...
24.03 €
New Headway Upper-Intermediate 3ED: Student's Book+Workbook without Key Pack
John Soars
Liz Soars
41.70 €

Oxford World's Classics: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is the series of short stories that made the fortunes of the Strand magazine, in which they were first published, an ...
11.01 €
Lengua castellana y Literatura 1.º Bachillerato Tesela Clásicos. Pack (libro del alumno+CD) (2008)
Varios Autores
29.44 €

Un lugar en el sol
Rubalcaba, Jill
Senmut, hijo de un escultor, ve su vida rota cuando su padre es mordido por una cobra venenosa. A partir de ese momento tendrá que luchar para escapa ...
7.69 €
Oxford World's Classics: Adam Bede
George Eliot
Pretty Hetty Sorrel is loved by the village carpenter Adam Bede, but her head is turned by the attentions of the fickle young squire. His dalliance wi ...
12.53 €