Libros de Didáctica: ciencias, ciencia general

Portada del libro Oxford World's Classics: Oliver Twist

Oxford World's Classics: Oliver Twist

The new Oxford World's Classics edition of Oliver Twist is based on the authoritative Clarendon edition, which uses Dickens's revised text of 1846. It ...

12.53 €
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Portada del libro Oxford World's Classics: Persuasion

Oxford World's Classics: Persuasion

Anne Elliot, persuaded by family and friends that the charming and handsome Frederick Wentworth is not worthy of her regard, questions her decision to ...

11.01 €
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Portada del libro Oxford World's Classics: Selected Tales

Oxford World's Classics: Selected Tales

11.01 €
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Portada del libro Oxford World's Classics: Sense and Sensibility

Oxford World's Classics: Sense and Sensibility

For Elinor Dashwood, sensible and sensitive, and her romantic younger sister Marianne, the propect of marrying the men they love appears remote. In a ...

11.01 €
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Portada del libro Oxford World's Classics: The Secret Agent

Oxford World's Classics: The Secret Agent

John Lyon has previously edited Conrad's Youth/Heart of Darkness/The End of the Tether for Penguin Twentieth Century Classics, and novels by Henry Jam ...

11.01 €
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Portada del libro Oxford World's Classics: The Woman in White

Oxford World's Classics: The Woman in White

12.53 €
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Portada del libro Oxford World's Classics: To The Lighthouse

Oxford World's Classics: To The Lighthouse

A captivating fusion of elegy, autobiography, socio-political critique and visionary thrust, To the Lighthouse is the most accomplished of all Woolf's ...

11.01 €
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Portada del libro The Oxford Shakespeare: The Tempest

The Oxford Shakespeare: The Tempest

12.53 €
Envío gratuito en The Oxford Shakespeare: The Tempest.
Portada del libro The Oxford Shakespeare: The Tragedy of MaClass Booketh

The Oxford Shakespeare: The Tragedy of MaClass Booketh

12.53 €
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Portada del libro TUNE IN 1 TB


The Tune In series develops listening skills and introduces over 50 features of natural spoken English.

14.44 €
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Portada del libro Refuerzo y recuperación. Matemáticas 1

Refuerzo y recuperación. Matemáticas 1

12.82 €
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Portada del libro Oxford World's Classics: Four Major Plays

Oxford World's Classics: Four Major Plays

In his four last plays Federico García Lorca offered his disturbed and disturbing personal vision to Spanish audiences of the 1930s - unready, as he ...

14.05 €
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