Oxford Thesaurus of English
Oxford Dictionaries
"The leading single-volume English thesaurus explores the richness of the English language with hundreds of thousands of synonyms and antonyms, and th ...
44.55 €Millorem la lectura 2. Projecte Encaix
Moreno Aranda, Pere
Millorem la lectura
Què és? Una sèrie seqüenciada de quaderns per al cicle mitjà d'Educació Primària que treballa les habilitats necessàri ...
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Conversation Strategies include how to ask for clarification, show interest to keep a conversation going, give polite negative responses, and many mor ...
12.34 €JOIN IN 1 TB
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Conversation Strategies include how to ask for clarification, show interest to keep a conversation going, give polite negative responses, and many mor ...
12.82 €