A Way with Words Lower-intermediate to Intermediate Book and Audio CD Resource Pack
Redman, Stuart
Ellis, Robert
Viney, Brigit
Mark, Geraldine
A photocopiable resource book of vocabulary activities. This lower-intermediate to intermediate resource book and audio CD of vocabulary practice act ...
52.15 €
American More! Level 1 Teacher's Resource Pack with Testbuilder CD-ROM/Audio CD
Puchta, Herbert
Stranks, Jeff
Cassidy, Hannah
Penn, Julie
American MORE! is a four-level course from a highly respected author team that's bursting with features for lower secondary students. The Teacher's R ...
47.40 €
American More! Level 2 Teacher's Resource Pack with Testbuilder CD-ROM/Audio CD
Puchta, Herbert
Stranks, Jeff
Penn, Julie
Nicholas, Rob
American MORE! is a four-level course from a highly respected author team that's bursting with features for lower secondary students. The Teacher's R ...
47.40 €
American More! Level 3 Teacher's Resource Pack with Testbuilder CD-ROM/Audio CD
Puchta, Herbert
Stranks, Jeff
Pelteret, Cheryl
Nicholas, Rob
American MORE! is a four-level course from a highly respected author team that's bursting with features for lower secondary students. The Teacher's R ...
47.40 €
American More! Level 4 Teacher's Resource Pack with Testbuilder CD-ROM/Audio CD
Puchta, Herbert
Stranks, Jeff
Nicholas, Rob
American MORE! is a four-level course from a highly respected author team that's bursting with features for lower secondary students. The Teacher's R ...
47.40 €
Classroom Management Techniques
Scrivener, Jim
Ofrece una gran variedad de técnicas que el profesor puede poner en práctica para sacar el máximo provecho a sus clases, ayudándole a anticiparse, ...
35.05 €
CLIL Activities with CD-ROM
Dale, Liz
Tanner, Rosie
Thornbury, Scott
Innovative activities for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) teachers and trainee teachers. CLIL Activities is organised into five c ...
35.05 €
Collocations Extra Book with CD-ROM
Walter, Elizabeth
Woodford, Kate
Help your students become natural and fluent English speakers with Collocations Extra. Simple to use and quick to prepare, this impressive collection ...
51.20 €
Communicative Activities for EAP with CD-ROM
Guse, Jenni
Do you need to supplement an EAP course with fun, interactive activities that address the serious aspirations of academically-focussed students? Co ...
37.52 €
Compact Key for Schools Teacher's Book
Heyderman, Emma
Compact Key for Schools es un curso de 50-60 horas lectivas enfocado hacia la preparación de Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools. El Student's B ...
29.92 €
Complete IELTS Bands 4-5 Teacher's Book
Brook-hart, Guy
Jakeman, Vanessa
Jay, David
Complete IELTS combina lo mejor de la enseñanza actual con temas interesantes dirigidos a los jóvenes que quieren estudiar en la universidad. Paso a ...
26.12 €
Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5 Teacher's Book
Brook-hart, Guy
Jakeman, Vanessa
Jay, David
Complete IELTS combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with stimulating topics aimed at young adults wanting to study at university. ...
26.12 €