Libros de Ediciones escolares de shakespeare

Portada del libro MR (I) Hamlet

MR (I) Hamlet

8.07 €
Envío gratuito en MR (I) Hamlet.
Portada del libro MR (I) Much Ado About Nothing Pack

MR (I) Much Ado About Nothing Pack

One of Macmillan's series of graded readers 'Much Ado About Nothing' is Shakespeare's famous comedy/drama about the war of power and understanding bet ...

8.07 €
Envío gratuito en MR (I) Much Ado About Nothing Pack.
Portada del libro MR (I) The Merchant of Venice

MR (I) The Merchant of Venice

"Reading Level: IntermediateShylock lends money to the merchant Antonio but the stakes are high. When Antonio cannot pay him back, Shylock demands a t ...

8.07 €
Envío gratuito en MR (I) The Merchant of Venice.
Portada del libro MR (U) Macbeth Pack

MR (U) Macbeth Pack

Gekürzte und bearbeitete Fassung von äMacbethä von William Shakespeare als englischsprachiger Lektüreband (Niveaustufe B2); mit CD und Übungsaufg ...

8.64 €
Envío gratuito en MR (U) Macbeth Pack.
