Varios Autores
A new, up-to-date course where students learn what they need to know for a career in commerce, tourism, nursing, or technology.
17.00 €
El fabuloso mundo de las letras
Sierra I Fabra, Jordi
Virgilio odia leer con todas sus fuerzas, pero un día le anuncian en el colegio que un autor va a ir a visitarlos y se ve obligado a leer el libro. ...
7.97 €
Cambridge First Certificate in English 1 for updated exam Audio CDs (2)
Cambridge Esol
Cambridge English First contiene cuatro modelos de examen completos. El libro ofrece la preparación más auténtica para el Cambridge English: First ...
42.27 €
Cambridge First Certificate in English 1 for updated exam Student's Book with answers
Cambridge Esol
Cambridge English First contiene cuatro modelos de examen completos. El libro ofrece la preparación más auténtica para el Cambridge English: First ...
25.17 €
Cambridge First Certificate in English 1 for Updated Exam Student's Book without answers
Cambridge Esol
Cambridge English First contiene cuatro modelos de examen completos. El libro ofrece la preparación más auténtica para el Cambridge English: First ...
23.27 €
Interchange TestCrafter 3rd Edition
Richards, Jack C.
Proctor, Susan
Hull, Jonathan
Interchange Third edition is a four-level series for adult and young-adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level. Test ...
81.79 €
Language Leader Intermediate Workbook with Key and Audio CD Pack
Y Otros
Cotton, David
Language Leader is a thought-provoking course ideal for contemporary students who need communication skills for the 21st century. Language Leader Work ...
17.85 €
Language Leader Intermediate Workbook without key and audio cd pack
Y Otros
Cotton, David
Language Leader is a thought-provoking course ideal for contemporary students who need communication skills for the 21st century. Language Leader Work ...
17.85 €
Premium B1 Level Coursebook Class CDs 1-2
Roberts, Rachael
Premium is the solution for mixed exam and non-exam classes! Premium offers a fresh and highly flexible approach to exam preparation. Separating exam ...
43.25 €
Dirección Estratégica de la Innovación Tecnológica
Schilling Melissa
El libro va dirigido a asignaturas que pueden llamarse Dirección Estratégica de la Tecnología e Innovación, Tecnología Estratégica, Tecnología ...
39.89 €
Oxford Reading Tree. Stage 3. Songbirds. Phonics: Pack (6 Books, 1 of Each Title)
Julia Donaldson, Clare Kirtley
The teaching notes for the Oxford Reading Tree Songbirds phonics books are full of practical suggestions for using the books with groups and individua ...
28.44 €Categorías
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