Blecua Perdices, Alberto
Estruch I Tobella, Joan
Julio Gimenez, Teresa
Morras Ruiz Falco, Maria
Alcalde Cuevas, Luis
Castro Ramos, Ladislao
Pascual Rodriguez, Jose Antonio
33.67 €

Oxford World's Classics: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is the series of short stories that made the fortunes of the Strand magazine, in which they were first published, an ...
11.01 €
New Headway Upper-Intermediate 3ED: Student's Book+Workbook without Key Pack
John Soars
Liz Soars
41.70 €

The Teacher's Grammar of English with Answers
Cowan, Ron
The Teacher's Grammar of English is a comprehensive resource text designed to help ESL/EFL teachers understand and teach American English grammar. The ...
39.80 €
Gallimard Jeunesse, Éditions
Llibre per conèixer el cicle de l'aigua, amb fulls transparents.
10.20 €Categorías
- A.
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- C. 1000 c .e.–c. 1500
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- De interÉs especÍfico para gais y lesbianas
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- EnseÑanza de la lengua inglesa (elt)(*)
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- Período moderno, c. 1500 en adelante
- Pf
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