La instalación en España, 1970-2000
Sánchez, Mónica
En un contexto crispado por los últimos coletazos del franquismo y las reticencias de un sector importante de la población a cualquier tipo de noved ...
21.65 €
¿Está ud. de broma, Sr. Feynman?
Feynman, Richard P.
Richard Feynman no ha sido sólo uno de los físicos teóricos más destacados del mundo sino también una personalidad insólita y genial cuyas inves ...
21.65 €
Activate! A2 Grammar & Vocabulary Book
Alevizos, Kathryn
With its vibrant and teen-appropriate topics, Activate! helps you to motivate your 12 to 15 year old students and offers them exciting and stimulating ...
21.65 €
Activate! B1 Grammar & Vocabulary Book
Lott, Hester
With its vibrant and teen-appropriate topics, Activate! helps you to motivate your 12 to 15 year old students and offers them exciting and stimulating ...
21.65 €
Activate! B1+ Grammar and Vocabulary
Turner, Chris
With its vibrant and teen-appropriate topics, Activate! helps you to motivate your 12 to 15 year old students and offers them exciting and stimulating ...
21.65 €
Activate! B2 Use of English
Boyd, Elaine
An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly en ...
21.65 €
Premium B1 Level Copiables
Wyatt, Rawdon
Premium is the solution for mixed exam and non-exam classes! Premium offers a fresh and highly flexible approach to exam preparation. Separating exam ...
21.65 €
Premium B2 Level Copiables
Wyatt, Rawdon
Premium is the solution for mixed exam and non-exam classes! Premium offers a fresh and highly flexible approach to exam preparation. Separating exam ...
21.65 €
Premium C1 Level Copiables
Wyatt, Rawdon
Premium is the solution for mixed exam and non-exam classes! Premium offers a fresh and highly flexible approach to exam preparation. Separating exam ...
21.65 €
Agresividad injustificada, " bullying " y violencia escolar
Ortega, Rosario
Aunque las investigaciones serias nunca han presentado el fenómeno de la violencia escolar como algo generalizado, lo cierto es que hoy sabemos que l ...
21.65 €Categorías
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