Penguin Readers 3: Scandal in Bohemia Book & MP3 Pack
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur
A Scandal in Bohemia is collection of six short stories featuring the great detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr Watson. From shopkeepers to ki ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: Sense and Sensibility Book & MP3 Pack
Austen, Jane
Sense and Sensibility tells the story of two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood. Elinor is sensible and self-controlled; Marianne is emotional and ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: Sherlock Holmes & the Mystery of Boscombe Pool Book & MP3 Pack
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur
Who killed Charles McCarthy at Boscombe Pool? And why? Detective Lestrade from Scotland Yard thinks it was McCarthy's son, James. Things do not look g ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: Stories from Shakespeare, The Book & MP3 Pack
Shakespeare, William
These are the stories of some of Shakespeare's most famous plays. We travel to Venice, Greece, Denmark and Rome, and meet many different people. There ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: Stories of Survival Book and MP3 Pack
Bedall, Fiona
Some people choose adventure. Others suddenly find themselves in danger in their ordinary lives. This book tells the true stories of survivors. In the ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: Swiss Family Robinson, The Book & MP3 Pack
Wyss, Johann
?It was the seventh day of the storm. We didn?t know where we were. Everyone on the ship believed that death was very near.? The Robinson family do no ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: The Beatles Book & MP3 Pack
Shipton, Paul
This book tells the story of the greatest band in the world from the early days in Liverpool to the Beatles' music in the world today.
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: The Last King of Scotland Book and MP3 Pack
Foden, Giles
In a twist of fate, a Scottish doctor on a Ugandan medical mission becomes irreversibly entangled with one of the world's most barbaric figures: Idi A ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: The Pirates of The Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest Book & MP3 Pack
O'reilly, Elaine
Jack Sparrow, captain of the Black Pearl, is back in a new adventure. This time Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, and Elizabeth Swann are looking for a chest ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: Turn of the Screw, The Book & MP3 Pack
James, Henry
A young woman comes to a big house to teach two young children. It?s her first job and she wants to do it well. But she begins to see strange things ? ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 4: 1984 Book & MP3 Pack
Orwell, George
Winston Smith lives in a society where the government controls people?s lives every second of the day. Alone in his small, oneroom apartment, Winston ...
7.54 €
Penguin Readers 4: Alexander the Great Book & MP3 Pack
Beddall, Fiona
Born in 356 BC, Alexander the Great became the king of Macedonia at age twenty. When he dies at age thirty-two, he ruled the biggest empire that the w ...
7.54 €Categorías
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