Penguin Readers 2: Treasure Island, The Book and MP3 Pack
Stevenson, Robert
Jim Hawkins and his parents have a quiet inn by the sea. Then one day, an old sailor arrives at the inn. What is he afraid of? Dangerous men come to t ...
6.88 €
Penguin Readers 2: Voyages of Sinbad Book, The and MP3 Pack
Frencis, Pauline
Sindbad the Sailor went to sea seven times and his voyages were always dangerous. He met giant men, snakes and birds, and the Old Man of the Sea. He v ...
6.88 €
Penguin Readers 2: Walkabout Book and MP3 Pack
Marshall, James
This is the story of an Aboriginal boy and two American children in the Australian desert. When they meet the boy, Mary and Peter learn about the dese ...
6.88 €
Penguin Readers 2: White Fang Book and MP3 Pack
London, Jack
White Fang is a wolf from the mountains of Canada. His life is hard but he is happy in his world. Then he is taken to the world of men. There he learn ...
6.88 €
Penguin Readers 2: Wind in the Willows, The Book & MP3 Pack
Grahame, Kenneth
The Wind in the Willows is one of the world's favorite classic children's stories. It's a story of four friends (Toad, Rat, Mole and Badger) and their ...
6.88 €
Penguin Readers 3: Becoming Jane Book & MP3 Pack
Hood, Kevin
Jane's romance with Tom Lefroy inspired her to write Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. Read the story of Jane Austen, one of the greatest ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: Billy Elliot Book & MP3 Pack
Burgess, Melvin
Eleven-year old Billy Elliot is different from other boys. He is not very clever or good at spor t. Then, one day, he discovers ballet dancing. Finall ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: Black Cat and Other Stories Book, The & MP3 Pack
Poe, Edgar
Are you brave enough to read four of Poe's famous horror stories? Edgar Allan Poe wrote strange stories about terrible people and evil crimes. Don't r ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: British Life Book & MP3 Pack
Collins, Anne
Who are the British? This book will tell you about their lives, TV programmes, business, family, life, pets ? and the food. This is a book about real ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: Canterbury Tales, The Book & MP3 Pack
Chaucer, Geoffrey
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer is considered one of the greatest works in English literature. The tales are told by a group of pilgrims goin ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: Cellist of Sarajevo, The Reader Book and MP3 Pack
Galloway, Steven
Sarajevo is under siege. There is little food or water and the city is attacked, every day, from the hills. Ordinary people try to live their lives, b ...
6.97 €
Penguin Readers 3: Climb, The Book & MP3 Pack
Escott, John
A mysterious stranger has come to the island where Costas lives. Why is the man there, and why is he looking at Eagle?s Rock? Costas wants to be the f ...
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