Penguin Kids 6 Cars Reader
Crook, Marie
Lightning McQueen was red, handsome, and fast. He was a fantastic race car and he knew it. He loved attention. He wanted to be the most famous race ca ...
8.45 €
Penguin Kids 6 Lilo and Stitch Reader
Shipton, Paul
Experiment 626 is a new kind of life. The little blue creature is fast and strong - nothing can hurt it. On Earth a little girl called Lilo lives on a ...
8.45 €
Penguin Kids 6 Mulan Reader
Shipton, Paul
Centuries ago in China, there was a young woman. She was called Mulan, and she lived with her parents and grandmother. Mulan loved her family and she ...
8.45 €
Penguin Kids 6 Our Changing Planet Reader CLIL
Degnan-veness, Coleen
More than 1.2 million plant and animal species live on Earth. There are dry deserts, icy deserts, rainforests, grasslands, mountains and oceans. All a ...
8.45 €
Penguin Kids 6 Pocahontas Reader
Hopkins, Andrew
It was a beautiful morning in 1607. John Smith was on a new ship. He loved the ocean. He was excited about traveling again from England to the new lan ...
8.45 €
Penguin Kids 6 Up Reader
Degnan-veness, Coleen
When Carl was a boy, he often wore goggles and a helmet because he imagined he was an explorer. Now Carl is an old man and he has to go to live in a h ...
8.45 €
Penguin Readers 1: Speed Queens Book and CD Pack
Smith, Rod
Racing was a men's sport - and then came the women. Danica Patrick is from the United States. Mika Duno is Venezuelan. Laleh Seddigh is from Iran. The ...
6.40 €
Penguin Readers 1: William Tell Book and MP3 Pack
Von, Friedrich
William Tell is a good man, but his country is a dangerous place. The Swiss people don?t like the Austrian emperor or his governor in Switzerland. Can ...
6.40 €
Penguin Readers 2: 3 Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes Book & MP3 Pack
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur
Sherlock Holmes is a very clever man. When people have strange, difficult problems, they come to him. Where is Mr Hosmer Angel? Which student saw the ...
6.88 €
Penguin Readers 2: Alice in Wonderland Book and MP3 Pack
Carroll, Lewis
One hot summer day, Alice sees a white rabbit and runs after it. She follows it down a rabbit hole and arrives in Wonderland. A classic tale and a won ...
6.88 €
Penguin Readers 2: Amazon Rainforest Book and MP3 Pack
Smith, Bernard
The Amazon rain forest is 10,000,000 years old and is the largest rain forest in the world. Read this book and learn about this amazing forest and its ...
6.88 €
Penguin Readers 2: American Life Book and MP3 Pack
Shipton, Vicky
Most people around the world today know something about American life. The United States is a big country. Not all Americans are the same! In this boo ...
6.88 €Categorías
- A.
- África
- Artes
- Asia
- Australasia, oceanÍa y otros territorios
- BiografÍa e historias reales
- C. 1000 c .e.–c. 1500
- Ciencias de la tierra, geografÍa, medioambiente
- ComputaciÓn e informÁtica
- Consulta, informaciÓn y materias interdisciplinari
- De interÉs especÍfico para gais y lesbianas
- Derecho
- Diseñados para la educación en el hogar
- EconomÍa, finanzas, empresa y gestiÓn
- Edad/nivel de interÉs
- EnseÑanza de la lengua inglesa (elt)(*)
- Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio
- Etapas educativas
- Europa
- Festividades e interÉs estacional
- FicciÓn y temas afines
- Humanidades
- Infantiles, juveniles y didÁcticos
- Las amÉricas
- Lenguas
- Lenguas afroasiÁticas
- Lenguas del este y sudeste asiÁtico
- Lenguas Índicas, indoeuropeas orientales y drÁvida
- Lenguas indoeuropeas
- Literatura y estudios literarios
- MatemÁticas y ciencia
- Medicina
- Otras agrupaciones geogrÁficas, ocÉanos y mares
- Otras lenguas
- Período moderno, c. 1500 en adelante
- Pf
- Prehistoria
- Salud y desarrollo personal
- Sociedad y ciencias sociales
- TecnologÍa, ingenierÍa, agricultura