¿Pelo o plumas?
Frattini, Stéphane
¿Pelo o plumas, escamas o pinchos? ¿Quién parece que lleva armadura? ¿Quién tiene cien ojos en su plumaje? ¿Quién tiene rayas negras y blancas? ...
5.64 €
Penas del joven Werther
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
El éxito alcanzado por Penas del joven Werther en el momento de su publicación (1774) se debió tanto a sus valores literarios como a su afinida ...
8.35 €
Penas y personas
Gallizo, Mercedes
El mundo de las prisiones es un observatorio privilegiado de los males de la sociedad en la que vivimos, que además nos enseña muchas cosas de nosot ...
18.90 €
Elpidio José Silva
17.09 €

Penelope Green. La canción de los niños perdidos
Bottet, Béatrice
Londres, década de 1880: antes de morir, James Alec Green, prestigioso periodista de investigación, echa al fuego un informe y prohíbe a su hija Pe ...
14.19 €
Penguin Active Reading 1: African Safari Book and MP3 Pack
Hearn, Izabella
With over 60 titles in a variety of genres, including fiction, non-fiction, horror or romance, biographies and big film tie-ins, the 'Penguin Active R ...
8.87 €
Penguin Active Reading 1: The Galapagos Book and CD-ROM Pack
Hearn, Izabella
The Galapagos Islands are beautiful. They are full of interesting animals and birds. One famous visitor to the islands , in 1835, was the scientist Ch ...
8.87 €
Penguin Active Reading 1: The Golden Seal Book and CD-ROM Pack
Marshall, James Vance
One night, away from his family, Eric finds a golden seal. People want to shoot golden seals for their beautiful fur. Eric?s father is one of those me ...
8.87 €
Penguin Active Reading 1: The Olympic Promise Book and CD-ROM Pack
Edwards, Lynda
There are two important things in young Nelson?s life ? running and his Granny Sarah. Trainer Ken wants Nelson to be a famous runner. Can Nelson run f ...
8.87 €
Penguin Active Reading 1: The Outsiders Book & MP3 Pack
Edwards, Lynda
Rose lives alone, and she has no friends. She never goes out - she can't go out. Then, one day, a boy comes into her home. He has problems too. Can sh ...
8.87 €
Penguin Active Reading 1: Tomorrow Mirror Reader and M-ROM Pack
Prentis, Nicola
Jason looks in the mirror and sees a bruise under his eye. Why can?t his school friends see it? Later a ball hits him in the same eye. Now people can ...
8.87 €Categorías
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- C. 1000 c .e.–c. 1500
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