Comedias y tragicomedias
William Shakespeare
La presente edición reúne las dieciocho comedias y tragicomedias compuestas por William Shakespeare (1564-1616). En ella se recogen las traducciones ...
37.90 €
Oxford Bookworms Stage 2: Much Ado about Nothing CD Pack ED 08
William Shakespeare
Alistair Mccallum
7.21 €

Oxford Bookworms Stage 2: Romeo and Juliet CD Pack ED 08
William Shakespeare
Alistair Mccallum
Word count 6,306 Bestseller
7.21 €
The Oxford Shakespeare: King Henry VIII
William Shakespeare
This is the first fully annotated modern-spelling edition of King Henry VIII to appear for over a decade and includes up-to-date scholarship on all as ...
12.53 €
The Oxford Shakespeare: Much Ado Activity Bookout Nothing
William Shakespeare
Sparkling with the witty dialogue between Beatrice and Benedict, Much Ado About Nothing is one of Shakespeare's most enjoyable and theatrically succes ...
12.53 €
The Oxford Shakespeare: OThello
William Shakespeare
This is the first scholarly edition of Othello to give full attention to the play's bold treatment of racial themes. Designed to meet the needs of the ...
12.53 €
The Oxford Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
William Shakespeare
This innovative edition offers modernized texts not only of the 1599 quarto but also of the short, or 'bad', quarto of 1597, regarding each as witness ...
12.53 €
The Oxford Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice
William Shakespeare
The story of Antonio, the merchant of Venice, who borrows money from Jewish moneylender Shylock and the disguised Portia, Antonio's love, who defends ...
12.53 €Categorías
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- C. 1000 c .e.–c. 1500
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