Libros de Michael Duckworth

Portada del libro Oxford Bookworms Stage 2: Voodoo Island CD Pack ED 08

Oxford Bookworms Stage 2: Voodoo Island CD Pack ED 08

Word count 5,910

7.21 €
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Portada del libro Countdown to First Certificate: Workbook without Key and Student's Audio CD Pack

Countdown to First Certificate: Workbook without Key and Student's Audio CD Pack

13.77 €
Envío gratuito en Countdown to First Certificate: Workbook without Key and Student's Audio CD Pack.
Portada del libro New Matrix Introduction: Workbook

New Matrix Introduction: Workbook

New and improved edition of the challenging secondary course that prepares students for school-leaving exams.

13.96 €
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Portada del libro Countdown to First Certificate: Workbook with Key and Student's Audio CD Pack

Countdown to First Certificate: Workbook with Key and Student's Audio CD Pack

Up-to-date texts and visually dynamic magazine look. Combines a strong focus on grammar, vocabulary-building, and writing with a teen-friendly approac ...

14.91 €
Envío gratuito en Countdown to First Certificate: Workbook with Key and Student's Audio CD Pack.
Portada del libro Express Series: English for Telecoms and Information Technology

Express Series: English for Telecoms and Information Technology

23.65 €
Envío gratuito en Express Series: English for Telecoms and Information Technology.
Portada del libro Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE): Practice Tests with Key

Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE): Practice Tests with Key

25.26 €
Envío gratuito en Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE): Practice Tests with Key.
Portada del libro Business Venture Beginner: Student Book Pack (Student's Book + CD)

Business Venture Beginner: Student Book Pack (Student's Book + CD)

25.36 €
Envío gratuito en Business Venture Beginner: Student Book Pack (Student's Book + CD).
Portada del libro Business Venture 2: Student Book Pack (Student's Book + CD)

Business Venture 2: Student Book Pack (Student's Book + CD)

25.36 €
Envío gratuito en Business Venture 2: Student Book Pack (Student's Book + CD).
Portada del libro Countdown to First Certificate: Student's Book

Countdown to First Certificate: Student's Book

28.40 €
Envío gratuito en Countdown to First Certificate: Student's Book.
Portada del libro New Matrix Introduction: Students Book

New Matrix Introduction: Students Book

New and improved edition of the challenging secondary course that prepares students for school-leaving exams.

29.06 €
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Portada del libro Business Result Upper-Intermediate: Student's Book with DVD-ROM and Online Workbook Pack

Business Result Upper-Intermediate: Student's Book with DVD-ROM and Online Workbook Pack

NEW video material for every level, bringing the world of business into the classroom Practical, functional language presented and practised in a work ...

30.87 €
Envío gratuito en Business Result Upper-Intermediate: Student's Book with DVD-ROM and Online Workbook Pack.
Portada del libro Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE) Masterclass: Student's Book with Online Skills and Language Practice Pack

Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE) Masterclass: Student's Book with Online Skills and Language Practice Pack

Covers all the new task types for the revised 2013 exam Online Skills and Language Practice pack Strong focus on contextualised grammar and vocabulary ...

36.00 €
Envío gratuito en Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE) Masterclass: Student's Book with Online Skills and Language Practice Pack.