Penguin Kids 1 Katie Grows A Bean Reader CLIL
Crook, Marie
Katie likes beans. They are her favorite vegetable. She gets a small jar, some paper towel, and a bean seed. Does the seed grow?
4.74 €
Penguin Kids 3 A Bug's Life Reader
Crook, Marie
A bug?s life is difficult. Every day the ants have to find food. The grasshoppers come and take the food. Thee ants are tired but Flik has an idea ? t ...
5.69 €
Penguin Kids 3 Up In The Air Reader CLIL
Crook, Marie
A hot air balloon is an aircraft. A helicopter moves in an interesting way. An A380 jet plane has 22 wheels. Let's read and learn about flying....
5.69 €
Penguin Kids 3 101 Dalmatians Reader
Crook, Marie
Pongo and Perdita are Dalmatian dogs. They have 15 Dalmatian puppies. Cruella De Vil steals the puppies. She wants to make a new fur coat! All the ani ...
5.69 €
Penguin Kids 4 Chicken Little Reader
Crook, Marie
When the sky fell on Chicken Little the people listened to him. When aliens came the people did not listen to him. Now, Chicken Little needs to save t ...
5.69 €
Penguin Kids 5 Harry's Clothes Project Reader CLIL
Crook, Marie
How many different clothes can you see in the street? Think about all the different clothes you wear in just one day, in just one week. And the differ ...
7.73 €
Penguin Kids 6 Atlantis: Lost Empire Reader
Crook, Marie
Thousands of years ago, the Empire of Atlantis was a wonderful place. The people of Atlantis built computers, amazing buildings, and fantastic flying ...
8.45 €
Penguin Kids 6 Cars Reader
Crook, Marie
Lightning McQueen was red, handsome, and fast. He was a fantastic race car and he knew it. He loved attention. He wanted to be the most famous race ca ...
8.45 €Categorías
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