The Physician
Gordon, Noah
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Arab madrassas are the only authentic medical schools, and he makes his perilous way to Persia. Christians are barred from Muslim schools, but claiming he is a Jew, he studies under the world?s most renowned physician, Avicenna. How the woman who is his great love struggles against her only rival?medicine?makes a riveting modern classic.
- Título: The Physician
- Autor: Gordon, Noah
- Número de páginas: 768
- Características: Alto: 190 mm. Ancho: 125 mm.
- Año de publicación: Noviembre, 2013
- Editado por: Roca Editorial
- Género: Ficción Histórica
- Lenguaje: Inglés
- ISBN: 9788499188362
- Formato: Tapa blanda o bolsillo