Portada del libro Tales of Terror Level 3 Lower-intermediate - ISBN: 9788483235324

Tales of Terror Level 3 Lower-intermediate

Poe, Edgar Allan; Y Otros

8.83€ / 9.30€ Comprar libro

This award-winning graded readers series is full of original fiction, adapted fiction and factbooks especially written for teenagers. A terrifying collection of short stories for horror fans: the heart of a dead man won't stop beating; a girl's strange new employer holds a dark secret; a tree hides something terrible; body-snatchers encounter a surprise; a woman is obsessed by a man that only she can see; a rich man shows his poor cousin his dangerous Brazilian cat and many more! This paperback is in British English. Download the complete audio recording of this title and additional classroom resources at cambridge.org/experience-readers Cambridge Experience Readers get teenagers hooked on reading.
