Portada del libro EBOOK EPUB New European industrial Relations - ISBN: 9788448183295

EBOOK EPUB New European industrial Relations


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Relations between employers, trade unions, and employees in Europe are rapidly changing.New competitive demands for organizations, the globalization process and economic turbulence,new technologies and growing diversity in work forces are leading to new organizationalconflicts in which Employee Representatives (ERs) play a central role. ERs are confrontedwith new challenges. The European Commission and the Spanish Government value innovativesocial dialogue and the role of the ERs, therefore stimulated this project to empower ERs inEurope.</p>How should the ERs be empowered to negotiate flexible, fair and innovative labour relations?This was the central question addressed in the study carried out by the ‘New European IndustrialRelations’ (NEIRE) network, in which researchers from eight European countriesconducted three different field studies (questionnaires, interviews and panels) with ERs andother field expert. The participant countries represent different industrial relations traditions inEurope. These countries are: Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal,Spain and the United Kingdom.</p>Based on these studies, a Best Practices Program (BPP) for empowering ERs is presented in thisbook. The BPP involves ten steps:<p><ul><li>Flexibility: a Dragon with Multiple Heads<li>Employability: the Art of Being Capable<li>Corporate Social Responsibility: Not Only a Fashion Trend<li>Participation and Dialogue: Engagement in a Context of Change<li>Trust: As Essential as Breathing<li>Managing Conflicts: Blending Competition and Cooperation<li>Critical Competencies for an Innovative Union<li>Attraction and Commitment: Understanding ERs Individual Perceptions and Differences<li>Role Conflict and Stress: Juggling Hats<li>Empowering Employee Representatives: “We can Make the Difference Here!”.
