Portada del libro CULPABLE - ISBN: 9788466638036


Robards, Karen

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One cold November night when Kat White was fifteen years old, she and some friends held up a convenience store. In the heat of the moment, one of the others shot and killed an off-duty cop moonlighting as a security guard. Kat and her pals fled the scene in a panic, and no one was caught. Sixteen years later, Kat-now Kate-has built a new life for herself. Now a single mom with an eight-year-old son, she works as a prosecutor in the Philadelphia DA's office. But her dark past rears its head when she walks into court one day and discovers that she is to prosecute Mario Castellanos, one of her friends from that terrible night...


  • Título: CULPABLE
  • Autor: Robards, Karen
  • Número de páginas: 352
  • Características: Alto: 230 mm. Ancho: 150 mm. Peso: 455 gr.
  • Año de publicación: Julio, 2009
  • Editado por: B (ediciones B)
  • Colección: Amor Y Aventura
  • Género: Narrativa Romántica
  • Lenguaje: Español / Castellano
  • ISBN: 9788466638036
  • Formato: Tapa blanda o bolsillo