Portada del libro CONVIVIR FG - ISBN: 9788466323123


Rojas Marcos, Luis

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Luis Rojas Marcos expone aqui los ingredientes esenciales que forjan las relaciones de pareja, de familia y de trabajo; analiza los impedimentos de estas relaciones y examina los pasos necesarios para afrontar las dificultades y las incompatibilidades que las afligen. Aprender a convivir requiere introspeccion y una dosis generosa de franqueza, flexibilidad, optimismo y autodisciplina = Luis Rojas Marcos lays out the essential ingredients to a successful relationship: be it at work, with the family or with your loved one. He analyzes the obstacles and examines the steps that should be taken to overcome the difficulties and incompatibilities that hinder our relationships. Learning how to live and work together requires some introspection, and quite a bit of honesty, flexibility, optimism and self-discipline.
