Portada del libro Breviario de los vencidos - ISBN: 9788483832066

Breviario de los vencidos

E. M. Cioran

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No longer be a little frightening to imagine this "anti- prophet of the twentieth century" as he walks his solitude at night in Paris in one of the most terrible moments of the recent history of this city. Cioran, beset by an almost metaphysical insomnia and boredom that inspires in him the poor performance of a civilization too softened by centuries of Christianity, proclaimed in the early pages of this book: "Living: specialize in error. Mocking the indubitable truth, ignore all, make a joke about death and transform the infinite in chance (...) The mere fact of being, is so serious that, compared to him, God is a trifle."


  • Título: Breviario de los vencidos
  • Autor: E. M. Cioran
  • Número de páginas: 160
  • Características: Alto: 195 mm. Ancho: 125 mm. Peso: 168 gr.
  • Año de publicación: Enero, 2010
  • Editado por: Tusquets Editores S.a.
  • Colección: Fábula
  • Lenguaje: Español / Castellano
  • ISBN: 9788483832066
  • Formato: Tapa blanda o bolsillo