Oxford World's Classics: Phaedo
11.01 €

Oxford World's Classics: Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice has delighted generations of readers with its unforgettable cast of characters, carefully choreographed plot, and a hugely enterta ...
11.01 €
Oxford World's Classics: Sense and Sensibility
Jane Austen
For Elinor Dashwood, sensible and sensitive, and her romantic younger sister Marianne, the propect of marrying the men they love appears remote. In a ...
11.01 €
Oxford World's Classics: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is the series of short stories that made the fortunes of the Strand magazine, in which they were first published, an ...
11.01 €
Oxford World's Classics: The Awakening
Kate Chopin
When Edna Pontellier becomes enamored with Robert LeBrun while on vacation, the wife and mother realizes the full force of her desire for love and fre ...
14.05 €
Oxford World's Classics: The Dead Secret
Wilkie Collins
Wilkie Collins's fifth novel, The Dead Secret explores the relationship between a fallen woman, her illegitimate daughter and the recovery of a hidden ...
12.53 €
Oxford World's Classics: The Flowers of Evil
Charles Baudelaire
A parallel-text edition of the poems of Baudelaire with a new translation which restores once banned poems to their original places and reveals the fu ...
12.53 €
Oxford World's Classics: The Histories
Originally published: Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
15.67 €
Oxford World's Classics: The Law and The Lady
Wilkie Collins
Valeria Woodville's first act as a married woman is to sign her name in the marriage register incorrectly, and this slip is followed by the gradual di ...
14.05 €Categorías
- A.
- África
- Artes
- Asia
- Australasia, oceanÍa y otros territorios
- BiografÍa e historias reales
- C. 1000 c .e.–c. 1500
- Ciencias de la tierra, geografÍa, medioambiente
- ComputaciÓn e informÁtica
- Consulta, informaciÓn y materias interdisciplinari
- De interÉs especÍfico para gais y lesbianas
- Derecho
- Diseñados para la educación en el hogar
- EconomÍa, finanzas, empresa y gestiÓn
- Edad/nivel de interÉs
- EnseÑanza de la lengua inglesa (elt)(*)
- Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio
- Etapas educativas
- Europa
- Festividades e interÉs estacional
- FicciÓn y temas afines
- Humanidades
- Infantiles, juveniles y didÁcticos
- Las amÉricas
- Lenguas
- Lenguas afroasiÁticas
- Lenguas del este y sudeste asiÁtico
- Lenguas Índicas, indoeuropeas orientales y drÁvida
- Lenguas indoeuropeas
- Literatura y estudios literarios
- MatemÁticas y ciencia
- Medicina
- Otras agrupaciones geogrÁficas, ocÉanos y mares
- Otras lenguas
- Período moderno, c. 1500 en adelante
- Pf
- Prehistoria
- Salud y desarrollo personal
- Sociedad y ciencias sociales
- TecnologÍa, ingenierÍa, agricultura