Libros de Lingüística aplicada a la elt

Portada del libro Examining Speaking

Examining Speaking

This edited volume develops a theoretical framework for validating tests of second language ability. The chapter authors show how an understanding and ...

49.49 €
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Portada del libro Exploring Language Frameworks

Exploring Language Frameworks

This volume explores the impact of language frameworks on learning, teaching and assessment, viewed from the perspective of policies, procedures and c ...

49.49 €
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Portada del libro IELTS Collected Papers 2

IELTS Collected Papers 2

This volume reports research that informs the development of reading and listening assessment in IELTS. This volume brings together a set of eight IE ...

49.49 €
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Portada del libro Language Testing Matters

Language Testing Matters

Language Testing Matters explores the social and educational impact of language testing and assessment at regional, national and international level. ...

49.49 €
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Portada del libro Measured Constructs

Measured Constructs

This volume establishes how English language constructs were measured in Cambridge English examinations over the period 1913 to 2012. An addition to ...

49.49 €
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Portada del libro The Language of Business Meetings

The Language of Business Meetings

This innovative volume presents an in-depth study of the language used by participants in business meetings. The cutting-edge research draws on the Ca ...

64.21 €
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Portada del libro Values, Philosophies, and Beliefs in TESOL Making a Statement

Values, Philosophies, and Beliefs in TESOL Making a Statement

This informative and insightful book situates second language teaching in a historical context. It chronicles the many influences and developments tha ...

72.00 €
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Portada del libro English Phonetics and Phonology Hardback with Audio CDs (2) 4th Edition

English Phonetics and Phonology Hardback with Audio CDs (2) 4th Edition

Since the publication of the first edition in 1983, this course has established itself as the most practical, comprehensive text in the field and beco ...

75.90 €
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Portada del libro Narrative Research in Applied Linguistics

Narrative Research in Applied Linguistics

This book brings together contributions from various researchers, providing an overview of narrative research approaches and demonstrating how these w ...

79.32 €
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Portada del libro The Roles of Language in CLIL

The Roles of Language in CLIL

An examination of how language functions in CLIL, based on a corpus of classroom interactions. Drawing on their wide experience as CLIL educators and ...

81.88 €
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Portada del libro Disciplinary Identities

Disciplinary Identities

An engaging, advanced-level introduction to the emerging field of discourse studies of identity, with particular reference to academic contexts. Dis ...

82.64 €
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Portada del libro Listening in the Language Classroom

Listening in the Language Classroom

This book challenges the orthodox approach to the teaching of second language listening, which is based upon the asking and answering of comprehension ...

85.59 €
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