Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th Edition: Hardback with cd-rom (includes Oxford iWriter)
Joanna Turnbull
Diana Lea
Dilys Parkinson
Patrick Phillips
Ben Francis
Suzanne Webb
Victoria Bull
Michael Ashby
"The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary gives more help and more support than any other dictionary at this level. It focuses on learners' need to un ...
49.30 €Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th Edition: Paperback with cd-rom (includes Oxford iWriter)
Joanna Turnbull
Diana Lea
Dilys Parkinson
Patrick Phillips
Ben Francis
Suzanne Webb
Victoria Bull
Michael Ashby
The world's best-selling advanced learner's dictionary, now with Oxford iWriter to help students plan, write and review their written work.
40.75 €Oxford American Dictionary for learners of English
Oxford Dictionaries
42,000 words, phrases, and meanings with Academic Word List words and content area vocabulary in math, science, social studies marked 3,000 keyword en ...
30.58 €Oxford American Dictionary Vocabulary Builder
Oxford Dictionaries
50 lessons with 130 activities and write-in exercises Each lesson focuses on an area of language, with the emphasis on vocabulary extension and the Ox ...
16.91 €Oxford Applied Linguistics: Complex Systems and Applied Linguistics
Diane Larsen Freeman
Lynne Cameron
35.62 €
Oxford Applied Linguistics: Literacy and Second Language Oracy
Elaine Tarone
Martha Bigelow
Kit Hansen
35.62 €
Oxford Applied Linguistics: Translation in Language Teaching
Guy Cook
Oxford Applied Linguistics features books providing thorough yet accessible coverage of controversial topics related to language use, including learni ...
35.62 €